

  • 2023年4月12日


    As of August 2021, DISH Network and Fox Sports Networks have reached an agreement that will allow DISH customers to once again access Fox Sports events and programming. This comes after a months-long standoff between the two companies that left DISH subscribers unable to watch popular sports events such as the MLB and NHL playoffs.

    The dispute arose from a disagreement over carriage fees, which are the fees that DISH pays Fox to offer its programming to its customers. Fox Sports Networks wanted a significant increase in these fees, while DISH argued that the amount requested was too high. As negotiations continued, Fox Sports Networks was removed from DISH`s channel lineup in July of 2020, leading to frustration and disappointment from DISH subscribers.

    After a year of negotiations, DISH and Fox Sports Networks finally reached an agreement that satisfied both parties. DISH customers can once again access Fox Sports events and programming, including regional sports networks, Fox Sports 1 and 2, and other well-known sports channels.

    This agreement came just in time for some of the biggest sporting events of the year, including the 2021 MLB playoffs and the upcoming NFL season. DISH subscribers can now enjoy these events without interruption, and Fox Sports Networks can continue to offer its premium programming to viewers across the country.

    For those who rely on DISH for their sports programming, this agreement is a welcome relief. The MLB playoffs are a major event for sports fans, and missing out on these games was a significant disappointment for many DISH customers. With the dispute now resolved, fans can once again enjoy these games from the comfort of their own homes.

    Overall, the DISH and Fox Sports Networks agreement is a positive development for both companies and their customers. It`s a reminder that even when disputes arise, negotiation and compromise can lead to positive outcomes for all involved.

  • 2023年4月7日


    As businesses navigate the world of contracts and agreements, it is essential to understand the concept of satisfaction of contract. Simply put, satisfaction of contract refers to fulfilling the obligations outlined in an agreement, resulting in a binding and successful contract.

    In a legal sense, satisfaction of contract occurs when all parties involved have fully performed their obligations as outlined in the contract. This includes meeting timelines, providing necessary goods or services, and adhering to any other conditions set forth in the agreement.

    The term satisfaction of contract can also refer to a clause commonly included in contracts that outlines the criteria for the successful completion of the contract. This clause can include factors such as quality of work, satisfaction of the client, and adherence to budget constraints.

    One important aspect to note about satisfaction of contract is that it is not necessarily the same as satisfaction of the parties involved. While both parties may be pleased with the outcome of the contract, satisfaction of contract refers specifically to fulfilling the terms of the agreement.

    In the case of a breach of contract, satisfaction of contract has not occurred, and the injured party may be entitled to legal action. This reinforces the importance of understanding the terms of a contract and ensuring that all parties involved fully comply with the agreement.

    In summary, satisfaction of contract refers to the fulfilment of obligations set forth in an agreement. It is a legal concept that ensures the binding and successful completion of a contract. It is crucial for businesses to understand the criteria for satisfaction of contract and adhere to them to avoid legal complications and ensure a successful outcome.

  • 2023年4月3日


    General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) adalah perjanjian multilateral yang didirikan pada tahun 1947 untuk mengatur perdagangan internasional dan menghapuskan hambatan perdagangan. GATT merupakan kerangka kerja yang penting untuk terjadinya perdagangan bebas dan adil di seluruh dunia.

    Sejak awal didirikan, GATT telah mengalami beberapa perubahan. Perubahan besar terjadi pada tahun 1995 saat Organisasi Perdagangan Dunia (World Trade Organization/WTO) didirikan, menggantikan posisi GATT sebagai badan pengatur perdagangan internasional.

    Namun, meskipun sudah tidak berfungsi lagi, GATT masih memiliki pengaruh besar pada perdagangan dunia. Banyak prinsip-prinsip yang dicanangkan oleh GATT masih digunakan dalam perjanjian perdagangan internasional yang berlaku saat ini.

    Beberapa prinsip penting dalam GATT adalah:

    1. Non-Diskriminasi

    Ketentuan ini memastikan bahwa negara anggota tidak diskriminatif dalam memperlakukan negara lain dalam hal tarif dan hambatan perdagangan lainnya. Ada dua bentuk non-diskriminasi dalam GATT, yaitu:

    – Most Favored Nation (MFN): Setiap negara harus memberikan perlakuan yang sama pada semua negara anggota GATT. Ini berarti jika suatu negara memberikan tarif rendah atau insentif perdagangan lainnya pada suatu negara, maka negara tersebut juga harus memberikan perlakuan yang sama pada negara anggota GATT lainnya.

    – National Treatment: Produsen asing dan domestik harus diperlakukan sama oleh negara anggota. Produk impor harus diperlakukan sama dengan produk domestik dalam hal pajak atau regulasi lainnya.

    2. Transparansi

    GATT mengatur negara anggota untuk menjadi transparan dalam kebijakan perdagangan mereka. Dalam prakteknya, ini berarti negara harus memberi tahu negara lain tentang rencana tarif dan tindakan perdagangan lainnya. Negara juga harus memberikan informasi tentang peraturan dan regulasi yang berlaku pada produk impor.

    3. Keterikatan

    Negara harus mematuhi perjanjian GATT, termasuk tarif yang telah disepakati dan ketentuan lainnya. Hal ini dilakukan agar negara dapat memperoleh manfaat perdagangan dalam jangka panjang.

    Salah satu hasil penting dari GATT adalah penurunan tarif perdagangan secara signifikan. Pada tahun 1947, tarif perdagangan rata-rata adalah sekitar 22%, sedangkan pada tahun 1995, tarif perdagangan rata-rata turun menjadi 5%. Dalam hal ini, GATT telah berhasil menciptakan lingkungan perdagangan global yang lebih bebas dan adil.

    Meskipun GATT sudah tidak berlaku lagi, perjanjian ini masih memiliki pengaruh besar pada perdagangan internasional yang ada saat ini. Namun, penegakan perjanjian perdagangan internasional masih menjadi tantangan dan perlu diupayakan bersama untuk mencapai perdagangan yang lebih bebas dan adil di masa depan.