
Exercises on Subject Verb Agreement for Grade 5


Correct subject-verb agreement is a crucial aspect of writing, whether you`re in grade 5 or a professional writer. It ensures that your sentence structure is accurate and clear, which makes for more effective communication. Here are some exercises to help grade 5 students master subject-verb agreement.

1. Fill in the blanks

This exercise is simple but effective. Provide sentences with a missing verb, and ask students to choose the correct one from a list of options. For example:

– The dog _______ in the park. (run, runs, ran)

– My friends _______ soccer after school. (play, plays, played)

– She _______ a book about dinosaurs. (read, reads, reading)

2. Identify the subject and verb

In this exercise, students must identify the subject and verb in a sentence. This helps them understand how the two relate to each other and why subject-verb agreement is important. For example:

– My cat sleeps all day. (Subject: my cat; Verb: sleeps)

– The birds are singing loudly. (Subject: the birds; Verb: are singing)

– The teacher gives us homework every day. (Subject: the teacher; Verb: gives)

3. Circle the correct verb

Provide sentences with a choice of two verbs, only one of which is correct. Students must circle the correct verb. For example:

– The girls (is, are) playing outside.

– The book (was, were) on the shelf.

– My mom (cooks, cook) dinner every night.

4. Matching exercise

This exercise involves matching subjects with their corresponding verbs. For example:

Subject: The dog, The boys, Our teacher

Verbs: barks, play, teaches

Students would match “The dog” with “barks,” “The boys” with “play,” and “Our teacher” with “teaches.”

5. Sort subject-verb pairs

Provide a list of subject-verb pairs that are either correct or incorrect. Students must sort them into two categories: “Correct” and “Incorrect.” For example:

Correct: The baby is crying. The students are studying.

Incorrect: The bird sings. The dogs barks.

These exercises can be done individually or in groups, and can be adapted to suit different learning styles. By practicing subject-verb agreement, grade 5 students can improve their writing skills and become more effective communicators.